Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Apple 3G iPhone as a high-bandwidth communication gadget

With the invention of communication gadgets that require high bandwidth such as the iPhone, more mobile carriers in the Asia-Pacific region are preparing their wireless networks to go next-gen by 2012 according to a report from ZDNet Asia.
Bill Rojas, IDC’s Asia-Pacific research director, said a number of Asia-Pacific mobile carriers in markets such as Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippines and Singapore, are starting to connect parts of their metropolitan 3G/HSPA networks with carrier Ethernet over fiber.

“The main driver of this transformation is the need for mobile operators to provide scalable, high-bandwidth, Web 2.0 video and audio content, and Internet access services for both mobile and fixed users, in incremental Capex (capital expenditure) outlays,” Rojas said in the statement.

The rapid emergence of converged mobile devices with 3.5G HSDPA (high-speed download packet access) and Wi-Fi, and dual-mode support, as well as the imminent entry of 802.16e mobile WiMax devices mean users will expect operators to provide 1Mbps speed all the time, anywhere and everywhere, IDC said.
According to Rojas, mobile operators must meet the high bandwidth requirements of technologically advanced gadgets such as the 3G iPhone and Google’s Android operating system-based devices so their businesses won’t be left behind.

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